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This should be like a billboard with a bit more information: teasers.
TEASERS — Every article should have some kind of "teaser."
These should be written to attract busy, "looking for quick info" users. If written well and concisely, they should be a determined length, approximately.
Horizontal photos, which are the primary shape in the print version, don't work as well online. Slightly wider verticals work best, especially for Section Front play.
These should be written for online users, Try for even alignment and use a word that can be found on search engines.
Same goes for these. Try not to repeat what the headline and the teaser say.
Make sure the cutline has basic information, the 5Ws and an H, perhaps. They should relate directly to the image.
Wish list:
Things for online that don't need to go in the print version.A regular video of Dr. Z's interview on The Sauce. If not a video, a Podcast. This would enable people who don't listen to KSYM to catch it. Doesn't seem like it would need editing or proofing. Tape the interview, put it up on Friday. An intro by Communication Design student(s) — animated of course. This would be a one-shot deal to lead-in Dr. Z's interview.
KSYM DJs' recommended music. One CD a week. Need an intro and one song? Use art to tease.
Cheshyre Cheese Club book reviews. Use cover shot to tease.
We can put them all in a slider element which would stretch across the page. Then, where to put it would be a question.
Here's an idea for editorial cartoons. It doesn't have to be so complex. But movement is important on the website. Mark Fiore's work
Quick Idea Joggers
Check out the best college websites.
Just in case, you do some editing, here is a truncated version of AP Style. You'd be better off buying a real AP Stylebook. The new one should be out soon.
Link to weather -- any others you would like?
Two fact checkers, a poll and a link to cartoons.
Movies and music links.
Links to Candler hours, wellness activities and intramural sports information.
Link to Alamo Colleges Police Department.
Staff, paper and department info, advertising, SPJ, former students, Legacy and Edith Fox King Lecture.